Sunday, April 29, 2012

Distributive Leadership for Capacity Building

This weeks studies are to "identify whether distributive leadership is used for capacity building at your school site" and to "explain how it is being used.  If it is not, describe how it could benefit your school site to apply this concept".

This question is hard because I feel that right now my school is very screwed up.  With out the assisstant director things would be alot better, in fact all the teachers are really hoping that the new director realizes this soon and gets rid of her.  We would be better without her.  In my building I think that distribute leadership is going on very little.  Its either done by the director or the assisstant and they disagree with each other time to time.  The teachers try to just do their own thing so I think that distributive leadership for the capacity building at my school is not really being used.  Right now the teachers feel as if the assisstant thinks so low of the teachers, be littles alot.  I think if that didn't happen then the teachers would be happier and open with communication and the flow in the building would start to happen.  This concept would then be able to take affect and benefit because it would take some of the responsibility off the idividuals and put it on the whole.  The stress in the building would go down and the teachers would grow into better teachers through learning as a whole instead of just keeping to themselves.

Monday, April 23, 2012

My Personal Leadership

  With looking at my personal leadership force with in the classroom setting I found that it also works together with my personality.  I love children, am very quiet at times, relaxed, and enjoy working with people.  Through my personality and teaching style I find that the ones that best descibe me is educational and human.  When being a kindergarten teacher I tend to be very caring and nurturing.  My kids are at school all day and then come to me till their parents pick them up.  They usually have had enough of the educational curriculum and just need the love.  Although I tend to be a softy when it comes to my kids, when it comes time to needing something done, it will get done.  My kids know when to goof around and when to buckle down and get things done that need to be done. 
   This blog I found to be pretty difficult, I wasn't sure if I completly understood everything and would also like to hear someone elses opinon on what they think my personal leadership force is.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Affects of Power

The Power Dynamic at School

Well I would like to say at my school were all thriving to work as a team.  Its all been a work in progress really.  There have been a lot of changes when it comes to people coming and going in the school including the head director of the school.  Through all the problems that are going on in my school I have learned that when it comes to having multiple people in charge that there needs to be an understanding and agreement on the way things need to go.
Unfortunately my school has two people in charge that really don’t flow together or agree with each other.  When there is miscommunication and problems between the two roles of power that causes affects in the whole building and with the whole staff in a negative way.
There needs to be balance and agreement, to work as a team.  When reading the strengths finder book I found in very interesting when it was talking about the affects of the way the boss is on how you as individuals work.

Monday, April 9, 2012


     Wow its amazing how much I agree with what I found with the strengths finder quiz.  It seemed like a very long quiz at first and was unsure how those questions would give me results I was looking for but with the results I was very impressed.  I found that my five personal strengths are woo, empathy, communication, futuristic, and positivity.
   Now with looking at strength-based leadership, I find that strength based leadership is very important and can help be very supportive in a community of practice.  Its a very positive way of working with others which is needed.  I work better through out my days of teaching when things are not only positive but working through my strengths.  Things would be very hard if things were looked at through a weakness-based leadership.  Would a workplace really be enjoyable and happy working through a weakness-based?  I do understand though the point of knowing a persons weakness and making them stronger and turning them into their strengths....but then wouldn't that mean that a weakness-based way automatically turns into a strength-based? or am I starting to confuse myself?>

Sunday, April 1, 2012

New To Blogging!

        Welcome to my blog!  Well this is my first time setting up something like this so hopefully it will keep looking better and better each time as this course goes on.  This course will be my first real class to my Masters in Teacher Leadership program.  I hope to gain a better understanding of how classes are going to go as well as learn more about what teacher leadership means and skills to better yourself in becoming a teacher leader.  The knowledge I gain from this course will not only help prepare me for the public elementary school systems but also will help me become more of a teacher leader.  This being my early years of teaching, I am eager to keep learning and do whatever I can to better myself as a teacher.